Silhouette Endermologie

LPG Endermologie + Hyperice Hypervolt

First visit … 150


6 Series…660

10 Series…1050

Body suit required $40

Series expires 6 months from expiration

24 hour cancellation

What is Endermologie?

Created from France…a connective tissue  massage with cosmetic benefits: contours the body the way you like it. The procedure is performed by using a patented anti-cellulite machine, developed by LPG Systems, that massages the targeted areas using motorized symmetrical rollers combined with gentle suction action. The folding action softens the connective tissue and results in the reduction of cellulite and reduced water retention. Release and decompression of the area results in an influx of blood along with its nourishing elements. Tissues become transformed, and the result is a smoother, stronger dermis. Treatment after treatment, fibroblasts - the connective tissues - are stimulated, leading to renewed collagen and elastin production, creating smoother and softer skin.

PURIFY your body 

Improve blood and lymphatic flow throughout your body

Increase blood  circulation and lymphatic flow by 400% for hours after treatment

Relieve muscle spasms, soreness, minor aches and pains 

Detoxify the body by reducing toxins trapped in fatty tissues

FIRM your skin

Smooth tone and firm skin

Stimulate the dermis to produce collagen and elastin for restored firmness, tone and youthful resilience

Restore collagen and  elastin to the surface of the skin

SCULPT your curves

Sculpt your curves and streamline your shape

Contour your body to help you reach your ideal figure

Maximize results before and after liposuction surgery

SLIM your body

Reduce the appearance of cellulite

Break down stubborn fatty areas of your body that exercise and diet can’t reach

Reduce body circumference FDA approved to reduce circumferential body measurements in treated areas